Jake Jayingee Roblox Has Did It Again
Roblox has created a partnership plan of sorts that gives content creators and influencers a chance to earn acquirement from their fans. These are called Star Codes, and they are only given out to some of the top Roblox video creators! Then, nosotros're taking a await at all the influencers that have codes, and we'll be taking a look at how-to use and fifty-fifty get one yourself!
This list of codes is not expired, and so they should all be usable and functioning fine right now!
Update March 24
- New codes added
Roblox Star Codes List
Here's a list of the currently working Star Codes:
- 3SB Games - 3sb
- 440HP - 440hp
- Aati Plays - Aati
- Abbaok - Abbaok
- AbsintoJ - ABJ
- AidanGamerHD - Aidan
- Alex- Crafted
- Aline Games- AlineGames
- Alonezinho X – Alonezinho
- Alles Ava Gaming - Ava
- AlphaGG - AlphaGG
- AlvinBlox - AlvinBlox
- Amberry - Amberry
- Amy Lee - Amy
- Andre Nicholas - Andre
- Angelazz - Angels
- AnielicA- AnielicA
- Anix - Anix
- Annoying Orange Gaming - TootyFruit
- Ant - Emmet
- Pismire Antixx- Antixx
- ApplyingTM - TM
- Argo Play - Argo
- Armenti - Armenti
- AshleyBunni - Bunni
- Ashleyosity - Ashley
- AshleyTheUnicorn - Unicorn
- AtlasZero - AtlasZero
- Avocado Playz- Avocado
- Axiore- axiore
- Ayzria- Ayzria
- Baconhair Originals - Baconhair
- Bananinha- Delani
- bandi - bandi
- Bandites - Bandites
- Baxtrix- Baxtrix
- BeaPlays - Bea
- Bebe Milo- BebeMilo
- Benni- Benni
- Benx- Benx
- BereghostGames - TheFGNCrew
- Betroner y Noangy - BYN
- BiaGamer- BiaGamer
- BiancaNayi - BiancaNayi
- Biel Henrique- Biel
- bigbst4tz2 - BIGB2
- BigDadT- Clover
- BIGHEAD- bighead
- BitSquid- BitSquid
- Blah Squad- Icy
- Blam Spot - Blam
- Blox4Fun- Blox4Fun
- Blue Blob- BLOB
- BlueBug- Blue
- Bluxxy Gaming - Bluxxy
- BolzarX - Bolz
- Bonnie Builds - Tulips
- Bubbles- bubbles
- Builderboy TV- Builderboy
- Buur - Buur
- BramP - bramP
- Brancoala Games - Brancoala
- BriannaPlayz- Brianna
- Brincando com a Keke- Keke
- BrittanyPlays - Brittany
- ByDerank- ByDerank
- callmehhaley - CMH
- Calixo - Calixo
- Canal Cahcildis - Cahcildis
- CaptainJackAttack - Attack
- Captainly - Cap
- Captain Capi – Capi
- CaptainTate21 - Captain
- Carakuchi- kuchi
- Carbon Meister Plays - Carbon
- Cari- Cari
- Ballad Television set - CarolTV
- CatFer- CatFer
- Catypink Juega - Catypink
- Caylus - Caylus
- Ceeberry - Ceeberry
- Celestial Roblox- Angelic
- Cerority - Cero
- Cerso- Cerso
- Cheo Power - CheoPower
- CherryAhrizona - CherryBaby
- ChillzCx - Chillz
- Chocoblox- Chocoblox
- Chrisandthemike - Chrisatm
- Chrisu Gaming - Chrisu
- cKev - ckev
- Claus - Clausofc
- Cleanse Beam - Make clean
- Comfy Lord's day- Cutely
- Complex Roblox - Circuitous
- Cookie Cutter- CANDY
- Conor3D - Conor3D
- corny - corny
- Cortesgo - Chidori
- Cosmic - Cosmic
- CQQP- cqqp
- CraftedRL - Crafted
- Craxel- craxel
- CrazyErzy- CrazyErzy
- Cryptize-cryptize
- CrystalSims- Crystal
- Curtified – Curt
- Cute Cookie Gaming – CuteCookie
- Cybernova - Cybernova
- Daffa Super - Daffa
- DandanPH- Dandan
- Danny Jesden- Danny
- DaPanda Girl- PandaWanda
- DatBrian - DatBrian
- Daylin's FunHouse- FunSquad
- deathvanessa - Expiry
- DeeterPlays - DeeterPlay
- Devoun - Mango
- DefildPlays - Defild
- DeGoBloX- Dego
- Denis - Denis
- DfieldMark - DfieldMark
- DigitizedPixels – Digi
- Digito Plays- Digito
- Digopollo - Pollo
- DimerDillon - DIMER
- Divine – Divine
- DogBon62 – DogBon
- DOLLASTIC PLAYS! - Dollastic
- Dom - Dom
- Dr Laba - Laba
- Draconite Dragon- Draco
- Dragonplatinum – Dragon
- DV Plays - DV
- elemperadormaxiyt- Emperador
- El Magnum - ElMagnum
- El Trollino- Trollino
- elDanielGT - DanielGT
- Elite - Eastward
- elitelupus - aristocracy
- Ephicsea- Ephicsea
- Elemental – Elemental
- Elyas360 - elyas
- Emily vs Evelyn Gaming- EandE
- EmpireBlox- EmpireBlox
- ErikCarr- ErikCarr
- ErnieC3 - ErnieC3
- Euri Wings - Euri
- Evanbear1 - EB1
- EYYCHEEV - Stronk
- Fadedplayz - Faded
- Faeglow - Glow
- FancySmash - Fancy
- FakerUp- fakerup
- FanaticalLight - Fanatic
- Fera - Ferabux
- Fini Juega- Fini
- Fishy - Fishy
- Flamingo - Flamingo
- Flashii - Flashii
- Flebsy - Flebsy
- Flexer97YT - Otaku
- Flxral- Flxral
- Flyborg - Flyborg
- FoamyBubbles - Foamy
- Folix - Folix
- Foncri - Foncri
- ForeverSparks - Sparks
- Fraser2TheMax- F2TM
- Frenchrxses- Rose
- Frite- Frite
- FUDZ - Fudz
- FunkySquadHD - Funky
- FunnyBunny- bunny
- FunPiggy - Piggy
- Furious Jumper- Furious
- FusionZGamer - Fusion
- Futura - Futura
- Gaby gamer- Gaby
- GallantGaming - Gallant
- Gamer Hexapod- Hexapod
- Gamer Kawaii- kawaii
- GamerNom - GamerNom
- GamingMermaid - Mermaid
- GamingWithKev - GWKFamily
- GamingwithVYT - V
- Geko97 - Otaku
- GianBlox- GianBlox
- GhostInTheCosmos – Ghost
- Glitch - Glitch
- Godstatus - Status
- GoingLimited - GOING
- GoldenGlare- Gilded
- GonGon - GonGon
- gorygaming24601 - Gory
- grace m- gracek
- GraserPlays- graser
- Gravycatman - Gravy
- GroovyDominoes52 - Groovy
- Gunslaya - Gun
- HandN - HandN
- hannahlovescows- Cows
- haramics - haram
- Heorua - Heo
- HeyItsJames - James
- Hey Misty – Misty
- HeyRosalina - Rosalina
- hey sant - HeySant
- HelloItsVG- VG
- HappyBlack- happyblack
- Hoops the Bee - Hoops
- HW5567 - HW5567
- Hxyila - Hxyila
- Hyper - Hyper
- HyperCookie- Cookie
- I_lovejava - Java
- iAirRon - Air
- iamSanna - iamSanna
- ianut - ianut
- ibemaine - IBeMaine
- IBella - Bella
- iBugou - iBugou
- iDakeeCore - iDakeeCore
- iDatchy – iDatchy
- iFresproYT- iFres
- iGuz- iGuz
- ImaGamerGirl- gamergirl
- Inemafoo- Inemafoo
- Infernasu- Infernasu
- iKotori- iKotori
- IntelPlayz- INTELPLAYZ
- inquisitormaster - Alex
- invictor- invictor
- iTown Gameplay- iTown
- ItsLimey - Limey
- It's Akeila- Akeila
- Its Ashley Playz YT - Ash
- Its Matty - Matty
- ItsFunneh - Funneh
- ItsMatrix- Matrix
- Its SugarCoffee- SugarCoffe
- Information technology'south Siena- Siena
- ItzzMelisa - Melisaaa
- ItzSweaking - Sweaking
- ItzVexo - ItzVexo
- Jackeryz- Jack
- Jake Globox- Globox
- Jake Pudding - Pudim
- Jameskii - Jameskii
- Jamie ThatBloxer- Jamie
- Janet and Kate - TEAMJK
- Joao joao - joaojoao
- jatatochip- jatato
- javie12- javie12
- Jayingee - Jake
- J-Bug- jbug
- JD - JD
- Jeffblox- Jeffblox
- Jeffo - Jeffo
- Jeenius- Jeen
- JeromeASF - Jerome
- Jenstine - jenstine
- jeruhmi - cat
- JessEmma- Butterfly
- jessetc- Jesse
- JesuaCunnigham- Jesua
- Jie GamingStudio - JIE
- Joe Albanese - Joe
- JoeyDaPlayer- Joey
- JoJocraftHP- JoJo
- JudoUnicorn - Judo
- Juegahora- Zanahoria
- Juicy John - Juicy
- Julia MineGirl -MineGirl
- Junell Dominic - Dora
- JunRoots- JunRoots
- JustHarrison - Harry
- Jvnq- Jvnq
- JymbowSlice - Jymbow
- Kaden Fumblebottom- Kaden
- Karim Juega- KarimJuega
- Karola20- Karola20
- Kavra - Kavra
- Kawaii Kunicorn- kunicorn
- Keisyo- true cat
- KepuTheCat- Kepu
- Kelvingts - Kelvin
- KidsToysPlay - KTP
- Kindly Keyin Star - Keyin
- King Luffy - Luffy
- KingOfYouTube- Rex
- KittGaming - Kitt
- Kodak - Kodak
- Kori- Kori
- KraoESp - KraoESp
- KreekCraft - RealKreek
- KrystinPlays - Krystin
- KTG Gaming - KTG
- LaniRoblox - LANI
- LankyBox - LankyBox
- LariGamer- LariGamer
- Laughability- Express joy
- LavenderBlossom - Lav
- Lawlieet 20- Lawlieet20
- LazarBeam - LAZAR
- LcLc - LcLc
- Leah Ashe - LeahAshe
- Legolaz - Legolaz
- Leshero Morrazo – Leshero
- LiaBlossoms - Blossoms
- Liege Due north- Liege
- limamosca - Limamosca
- Linkmon99 - Linkmon99
- L0GinHDi - LOGinHDi
- locus- locus
- Lokis- Lokis
- Lonnie - Lonnie
- Lons Gamer- Lons
- Lord - Lord
- LovelyEla - Ela
- Luky- Luky
- LunaBlox- LunaBlox
- Lunar Eclipse- Lunar
- Luuy - Luuy
- Luzablxx - LaLuza
- Lyna- Lyna
- Lyte – Lyte
- Mackenzie Turner Roblox- Cuties
- Maeva Games Videos - Maeva
- Magicbus - Magic
- Magikarp Films- Magikarp
- Mahadinoor Playz- Maha
- Maislie- Maislie
- MakotoUchiha - MakotoYT1
- Manucraft- manucraft
- Mariana Nana- MariNana
- MatrixPlaysRB - Matrix
- MathFacter360- Math
- Matsbxb - Mats
- mayrushart - mayrushart
- MedTw - MedTw
- Melina - Melina
- MelzinhaMel Games- Melzinha
- MeganPlays - MeganPlays
- MiaGames- MiaGames
- Miannn- Miannn
- MICHI RØBLØX - MichuRblx
- MicroGuardian - Micro
- Mila FunPlayer - MilaFun
- MikeyDood- MIKEY
- MiniBloxia - Mini
- Mislicious Play- Mislicious
- MK - mk
- Model8197 - MODEL
- MoFlare - Moflare
- Moonfallx - Moon
- Mr_Booshot - Doge
- Mr.Bunny - MrBunny
- MrLokazo86- MrLokazo86
- MrPankeyk- Pancake
- Mud Playz - Mud
- MuneebParwazMP - Muneeb
- Mxddsie- Pink
- MxghtyJxstin - Mighty
- Myster0y - Myster0y
- MyUsernamesThis - Salary
- NanoProdigy- Nano
- Natasha Panda- Panda
- Nathy Super Gamer – NathySuper
- Natsuki Sel - NatsukiSel
- Nezi Plays Roblox- EpicSquad
- NicksDaga- NicksDaga
- Nicole Kimmi- Kiwwis
- Nicole Maffi- Maffi
- Night_foxx - NightFoxx
- Noangy - BYN
- Noclypso- Noclypso
- noekje- noe
- NO_DATA- imperial
- Noob Chief - Noob
- NotThnxCya - ThnxCya
- Notive - Notive
- O1G - O1G
- ObliviousHD - Oblivious
- OfficialNoobie - Noobie
- oGVexx - oGVexx
- Okeh Gaming Television - Okeh
- okgamerman - Playonyx
- OMB Gaming – OMB
- Ominous Nebula- Ominous
- OneSpottedFriend - Friend
- Oscar - Oscar
- OurFire Plays – Ourfire
- PaintingRainbows - Rainbow
- PandazPlay- Pandaz
- PandinhaGame - Pandinha
- Papile- Jupapile
- Paula Urbaez- Paulita
- PeepGuy- Peep
- PeetahBread - Peetah
- Peter Toys - PeterToys
- PGHLFilms - PGHLFilms
- Phoeberry- Phoeberry
- Pietragamesyt- pietrayt
- PiggyMasterZ- PMZ
- PiggyPlayz - Animal
- PinkfateGames- Pinky
- PinkLeaf- PinkLeaf
- Playonyx- Playonyx
- Plech - Plech
- Plique - Plique
- Poke - Poke
- PremiumSalad - Premium
- PrestonPlayz - Preston
- Pretzel Etzel- Pretzel
- PREZLEY- prezley
- Prime number Furious- Prime
- Princess Royale- Princess
- Princess Tori- Tori
- Proton Plays Roblox- proton
- PurxpleRblx - Purxple
- Qaluo - Qaluo
- Quimic - Quimic
- Raconidas - Raconidas
- Rainway - Rainway
- Rainster - Rainster
- Rambling Ramul - Ram
- Rareyma – Rarey
- Rax - Rax
- RazorFishGaming - Razorfish
- Realistic Gaming - RealisticG
- RealMoby - Moby
- Realrosesarered - Realroses
- RebootedPoppy - Poppy
- Reddzzyx - Scarlet
- RedKill- Redkill
- Crimson Weeb - RedWeeb
- Rektway- rektway
- Remainings - Remainings
- RenLeaf - PinkLeaf
- Razor - Razor
- RiusPlay - RiusPlay
- Roblox Minigunner - Minigunner
- Robstix- robstix
- Ropo - RopoRoblox
- Roof- roof
- Roplex Gaming- Roplex
- Rovi23- Rovi23
- roxhiroblox- Roxy
- RoxiCake Gamer - Awadeuwu
- Royale Dior - Dior
- Royale Roleplay- Royale
- Ruby Games- Ruby
- RufflesOfficial- Ruffles
- RussoPlays - Russo
- ryguyrocky - Ryguyrocky
Due south
- Saoli - Saoli
- ScooterSmash0 - Smash
- ScriptedMatt- Scripted
- SD Mittens- SDMittens
- Sebee- Sebee
- Seedeng - See
- SeerRblx- seer
- Seniac - Seniac
- SeñoritoFran - SrFrances
- Shadow Network - Shadow
- ShanePlays - ShanePlays
- SharkBlox - SharkBlox
- Shaylo- Shaylo
- Signicial- Signicial
- Silent Playz- Silent
- Silly on Roblox - Silly
- SiimplyBubliie- bubliie
- SimplyCoco - Coco
- SimplySpring - Bound
- Sketch - Sketch
- SkippyPlays – Skippy
- Sleghart- sleghart
- Sleigher - Sleigher
- Squid Magic- squid
- Smurfzin- smurf
- Snowi Play tricks – Snowi
- SnowRBX- snow
- Snug Life- Snug
- Socksfor3 – Socks
- SofiaTube - SofiaTube
- Sons of Fun- sons
- Sontix - Sontix
- And then Por Causa - SoPorCausa
- Sopo Squad Gaming- sopo
- Soy Blueish- azul
- Soy Mandy Games - Mandy
- Spek? - Spek
- Spiel Mit Mir - SpielMit
- SrJuancho - Juancho
- SrtaLuly- SrtaLuly
- StaTick - Statick
- Stevebloxian - Steve
- Striker180x - Striker
- Stream Ca Roblox – Stream
- Stronbol - Stronbol
- Sub's Blox World - Sub
- Suliin18YT- Suliin18YT
- Super Dog Tyler- super
- SunsetSafari - Sunset
- SweePee- SweePee
- S_Viper - viper
- TanqR - TanqR
- Tapparay - Tapparay
- TapWater- Tap
- TBNRwife - Brianna
- Teenager Paul - Paul
- Telanthric- Telanthric
- Temprist- temprist
- Terabrite Games - Brite
- Tex HS- TexHS
- TinenQa- TinenQa
- ThatGuy- ThatGuy
- Th3c0nnman - Conn
- TheEvilShark- creature
- The Box Quiz - Boxy
- The Crystalline Gamerz - GEMZ
- The Frustrated Gamer - TFG
- TheGreatACE- ACE
- THE KAPOLAR- Kapolar
- The 1000000 and Mo Testify-MEGA
- The Monkey - Monkey
- therealcybernova - Cybernova
- TheRoPo - RopoRoblox
- The Star Squad - StarSquad
- Thumbs Upward Family- TUFGAMING
- Thinknoodles Noodles
- Thiq Betty- Thiq
- ThnxCya - ThnxCya
- Throbpenz - Papathar
- Tigre TV - tigretv
- Tinyturtle Roblox- Tinyturtle
- TitanHammerYT - Titan
- Tofuu - Tofuu
- ToxicJim- Toxic
- TrafTheOpest - Opest
- TroyanoNanoReturns - Troyanito
- True Entertainer- Truthful
- Truffios - Truffios
- tsetYT- tsetyt
- Turtles Wear Raincoats- turtle
- TussyGames- Tussy
- TW Dessi- Dessi
- TwiistedPandora - Twiisted
- Tx_cle - Txcles
- Uncle Kizaru - Kizaru
- Unlimited - Unlimited
- unicorn_akeesha109 - akeesha
- Unicorn Twins - PIZZA
- V2 Plays - V2
- ValenLatina - ValenStar
- VarietyJay - VarietyJay
- VeD_DeV - VeDDeV
- View - View
- Volt- Volt
- VikingPrincessJazmin - VPJ
- Waike - Waike
- WikiaColors - Wiki
- XanderPlaysThis- Xander
- xdarzethx - Gremlins
- Xegothasgot- Xegot
- XenoTy - Xeno
- XericPlayz - Xeric
- xEnesR - Enes
- xMarcelo- xMarcelo
- Xonnek - Xonnek
- Xpie - Xpie
- xThyEdgarx- Edgar
- Xou - Xou
- Yayixd Changuito - Yayixd
- Yokai- Yokai
- YoSoyLoki - Loki
- yTowakGb- yTowakGb
- ZaiLetsPlay- Zai
- Zilgon - Zilgon
- ZacharyZaxor - TheSquad
- Zerophyx - zerophyx
- ZephPlayz - ZephPlayz
- Zepyxl - zepyxl
- zOnwley - Zon
- ZulyYT- ZulyYT
- Zurielini - Zurielini
Did nosotros miss a lawmaking? Let us know in the comments so nosotros can add together it! Before you lot comment, please double check that the code is not already on our listing above.
Star Code FAQ
At that place's a lot of frequently asked questions about this programme, and then I'grand going to become over some of them below!
What is a Star Code?
It's a lawmaking that you lot can use to help back up a content creator. If y'all input a Star Code of an influencer when you buy Robux, they will go 5% of the purchase you make. This does not cost you anything, so it'south an easy way to help support someone who you enjoy!
How do you get a Star Code?
It's pretty difficult to get 1, because yous'll have to become into the Video Stars Program. To accomplish that, you will need to see the following criteria.
- Your channel will need to have 10,000,000 cumulative Roblox video views
- Each Roblox video will demand 25,000 boilerplate views
- Y'all will need at least 100,000 followers/subscribers on your aqueduct
This is a pretty alpine lodge, which is why it'due south and then difficult to get i of these codes. I would gauge that the requirements volition become easier in the future, but for now you are going to need to meet some lofty goals to acquire one.
How-to redeem a Star Code?
Star Codes can exist redeemed when purchasing Robux. When yous've called the amount of Robux yous want to buy, yous will exist brought to the payment method screen.

Yous will desire to hitting the "Click Here" link on the left side that allows y'all to add a Star Code. Once yous hit that link, a text field volition open up that allows y'all to enter a lawmaking. Copy one from our listing and paste information technology into the box. Make sure it matches exactly, fifty-fifty with capitalization. You can then striking the Add push to enter the code. Each fourth dimension for the next 2 weeks yous purchase Robux the Star Code holder will receive 5% of the Robux purchase you lot made!
Later those ii weeks are up, the code will be removed and y'all will have to re-enter it the same mode you did before!
Why use a Star Code?
Well, there'south really no reason not to utilize a code. Y'all should do it every time you brand a purchase of Robux because in that location's no negative for you. Information technology allows you to support a content creator by purchasing Robux you were going to purchase anyway!
If you are not sure who to support, so I would usually opt for a smaller influencer. Content creators with uncommonly large followings will normally accept a ton of people already using their code.
What's the Star Code group?
At that place'due south a group for people that are specifically part of the Roblox Video Stars program. Yous tin can detect it right here.
Become Roblox codes and news as soon as we add it by post-obit our PGG Roblox Twitter account!
Source: https://progameguides.com/roblox/roblox-star-codes/
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