Reddit Borderlands 2 Where Angels Fear to Tread

Can someone help with ''Where Angels Fear to Tread''?

Im playing as gaige and cant kill the constructor, ive tried several times. I got slag and corrosive and nothing, he one shots me. Lvl 55. Let me know if you got a character for arround that lvl and willing to help.

EDIT: Killed that little bastard. Im on UVHM and did not know that i could destroy his missiles... I feel like a dumb but whatever, as soon as i realized that i killed him :) Hornet helped a lot too ! Thanks everyone.

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level 1

I did it by staying back near the entrance gate and just whittling away at it with crits. It sucks, but it works.

level 2

I've tried that too but the missiles screw me and i feel like im not doing any damage to him even tho i have updated weapons.

level 1

You on PC? Because I actually have a Gaige at level 53, I could donate some gear. I never play Gaige LMAO.

level 2

Yeah, im on PC but lvl 56. Thanks tho :)

level 1

I'm sorry this isn't really the best advice, but I'm a level 59 axton and the first thing I did when I hit UVHM is farm for a hornet. All you have to do is fast travel to claptraps place, walk out the door that you normally would and keep going till you fight knuckle dragged. Then, walk through the door to the next location, turn around and go back to the knuckle dragger place, and quit the game. You'll spawn in the little hut infront of the door. Then after you kill him a second time you don't need to go through the door just quit. His drop rate is insane in 50 tries I think I got 17 hornets, 2 of them being twin hornets which are the best one. Also get a slag gun. I have a slagga from TVHM and it still carries through the game. It doesn't do much damage but it's slag chance is so high I just slag then switch to the hornet. And maybe try to get a TVHM Bee shield. Just look up how to farm those two.

level 2

i do still use the lvl 42 slagga, not because of the damage, but all the ammo it has i dont need to reload every second. Will try to farm the hornet. Right now i was trying to get another Double pen Unkempt harold. It seems im lucky today, i got two in 3 tries. !:D

level 2

Eh, got it in my first try, lol. Is the nutralizing good enough?

level 2

Dude. I have no idea how you people are getting these drop rates! I've killed that bastard at least 50 times(though, admittedly, not in a row) and still haven't got one!

Guess I'll try killing him some more...

level 1

Gaige has a really bad rough patch at the early levels of UVHM (most of the fifties). It infuriated me when I was slogging through it.

To be honest, your best bet is to get help from someone else (maybe a Salvador). Barring that, you can stay back and hit it with the Bee. It'll be slow, but you'll get there.

If you're on PC, I can log on this evening and help you out.

level 2

Yeah im on pc. SN: PlzDonTRage

level 1

Once you get the turrets down and the gate opens (and I'm saying this as someone who usually plays Sniper Zero or Melee Kreig so it's a little different for Gaige I'm sure) you can just rush past the enemies that spawn at the gate, then up both sets of stairs and the constructor should just be landing by the time you are on the same level with it.

Then use the side of the building as cover while you whittle it down using the slagga and hornet or another corrosive (If you have a Lyuda you should be able to hit the crit spot from that angle I believe).

level 2

Yesterday i got the lyuda from a little varkid. Will try this, hopefully it work.

level 1

yea I picked up a sniper rifle for that encounter. let monster loose on the lower level stuff and take pot shots at constructor when his shield is down.

level 1

I'm 55 or 56 Gunzerker on PC. I could hop on after work and help you, I haven't done that mission yet but that doesn't really matter.

level 2

Sure! let me know. SN: PlzDonTRage

I just killed Angel tho.

level 1

Yo Paul, I see you already got it, but a corrosive Lyuda against constructors is INSANE, just make sure you're getting crits.

level 2

To be honest i did not try it with the lyuda because of the anarchy points, its really hard to aim and thats why i dont use sniper with gaige.

Reddit Borderlands 2 Where Angels Fear to Tread


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